Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process designed to recognise the skills students have obtained from work experiences, previous formal and informal study, and life experiences. The main focus of RPL is the learning outcomes of those experiences, not how, when or where the learning occurred.
Recognition of Current Competence (RCC) is a term used when individuals want the skills and knowledge that they are currently using for a particular job/role recognised.
RPL and/or RCC provides formal Recognition of existing skills and knowledge and can result in a full qualification, or a statement of attainment for partial completion of a qualification. RPL and/or RCC cannot be obtained for part of a subject. You must show that you satisfy all performance criteria to obtain credit for the whole subject.
Who can apply for RPL and/or RCC?
Anyone who wishes to have their skills recognised.
How does RPL and/or RCC Work?
Essentially RPL and/or RCC involves providing evidence to establish that your current knowledge and skills match particular units from the course you are enrolled in.
Collecting evidence to establish your claim for Recognition is the most important part in the whole process. Your assessor will assist you through the process by providing objective advice and support.
What evidence do you need to provide?
You need to provide a range of evidence to support your application. This might include a resume, duty statements, references or testimonials, work samples, self assessment. The evidence you provide will depend on the qualification you are being assessed against, and will be explained in full on the application.