Lerna Courses: Online Learning Guide

When you’re trying to find the right online course, Lerna Courses has your back. The platform makes it easy for students everywhere.

Personal Empowerment: Definition, Examples, Quotes

Personal empowerment means embracing our individuality, our strengths and weaknesses, and taking control of our own thoughts and actions.

Teacher Roles and Responsibilities

Here are outlines of what teachers do both inside and outside the classroom. As well, we provide job description examples for teaching jobs.

Benefits of Online Learning

Benefits of online learning include saving time and money, having more control over learning, and a wider range of courses to choose from.

What is a Health Service Manager?

What is a health service manager? A health service manager is a business manager who oversees the delivery of a health or social care service.

Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Outcomes

EYLF learning outcomes are the expected results of children’s learning in the early years. They act to support child development in all areas.

Connected Learning Theory and Model

Living in the 21st century implies discovering and trying new ways to learn. Each person is unique and therefore, each one has a dominant learning style. Among the most recent…

How Prior Knowledge Affects Learning

Prior knowledge is essential for learning. That’s because all learning involves transfer from previous learning. That’s not just my opinion but a finding from the National Academies for Science Engineering…

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Current Competence

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) gives academic credit for skills obtained from work, formal and informal study, and life experiences.

Why Distance Learning Provides Great Opportunities

The rapidly growing phenomena of distance learning and the technology that enables it is letting students all over the globe learn as they never could before. You can get training…